Soon, in the Project’s Virtual Classroom Forum, a series of debates will be launched that will surely be of the greatest interest to the participants in the LIFE 4DOÑANA courses.
If you are not yet a student in the free LIFE 4DOÑANA online courses, visit the Virtual Classroom to register. There are three levels established: basic, intermediate and/or advanced.
These debates will be open in the Forum, according to the following schedule:
• From October 10 to November 4, 2022:
Be efficient without losing your money. Keys to responsible digitization: How can existing sensors on the market help improve irrigation and nutrition management?
Forum promoted by Carlos Campillo. CICYTEX Researcher (Center for Scientific and Technological Research of Extremadura).
• From November 7 to December 2, 2022:
Demand irrigation control systems: Is it possible to use demand irrigation in soil crops? What are the key parameters to monitor for it to work properly?
Forum energized by Sébastien Guéry. Director of Sustainability at GIESA (Office of European Initiatives).
• From January 16 to June 15, 2023:
Reducing water consumption: Is it possible to reduce water consumption without reducing production?
Forum promoted by Miguel del Toro. Director of KNITINK Technologies, S.L.; Anne Martin. Senior consultant at GIESA and Sébastien Guéry. Director of Sustainability at GIESA.
• From January 16 to February 15, 2023:
How to manage salt washes?: Why do salts accumulate in the soil? How should the wash risks be, short or long, punctual or continuous, at one time of the day, with plain water…?
Forum energized by Sébastien Guéry. Director of Sustainability at GIESA.
• From March 1 to 31, 2023:
Leaf analysis, interpretation of results (Integrated Production – Order of July 3, 2013).
Forum promoted by Guillermo González. LIFE 4DOÑANA Project Technician, CICYTEX.
• From April 17 to May 12, 2023:
Filters: What type of filters (sand/disk/mesh) to use and for what?
Forum promoted by Carmelo del Toro. Director of FAMIDAN, S.L.
• From June 15 to July 14:
Clogging of drippers: what are its causes and how to solve this problem?
Forum promoted by Miguel del Toro. Director of KNITINK.