The LIFE 4Doñana project kicked-off in September 2020. Since then, the project team has been working in different preparatory actions to make it possible to begin with the project demonstration actions in September 2021, moment when the strawberry campaign starts in Huelva.
These actions include:
- Defining the final specifications of the on-demand DSS and starting the adaptation of the system, the first prototypes being manufactured during the coming months.
- Selecting and preparing the project demo fields. This has included selecting the demo farms, establishing the agreements with the farmers and carrying out preliminary diagnostics of their irrigation system, among others.
- Establishing the Training & Advisory Platform and staring working on the definition of the Training programme, which will count with 3 different levels: Basic, Medium and Advanced.
- Engaging with farmers and farmers’ organisation in the area of influence of Doñana and start engaging with the strawberry farmers who will receive in-field advisory services. This includes the signature of agreements with these farmers and start gathering and collecting key data to establish the project baseline.
- Defining the key aspects (members, operating principles, etc.) of the project Advisory Committee, to be made up by relevant stakeholders linked with the project working areas.
Furthermore, the project has started worked during these months in several cross-cutting actions, such as defining the project Communication Plan and the Strategy for Green Procurement or establishing the socio-economic and environmental baseline, among others.